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Management Committee | Status Update

Dear Members,


This communication is designed to advise of the current status of RBI as we move forward in the short-term whilst navigating a period of change.


With the departure of the GM, the replacement Operations Manager position has just been advertised.  Drew Fenton remains the Development Manager whilst Cam Goldfinch continues as Competitions Manager.  Cam will also be responsible for facilities in the interim.  The vacant part-time position of Admin & Communications Officer is currently under the final stages of recruitment.


The 23/24 AGM for RBI is provisionally scheduled for Tuesday 10th December.  Further details will be available shortly.


The current RBI Management Committee has the vision to restructure RBI via the reinstatement of a number of sub-committees that assist with the efficient operations of RBI, to supplement staff resources, plus provide information that aids the RBI Operations Manager and the Management Committee in their decision making.


Each sub-committee will operate under a strict Terms of Reference that defines the sub-committees roles, responsibilities and authority.  Each sub-committee will have a chair appointed by the Management Committee.  The chair would recommend 3 - 4 sub-committee members to the Management Committee for approval.  Careful selection of members would be required to ensure conflicts of interest are minimised. The sub-committee would have the responsibility to engage other volunteers if required to complete tasks plus provide strategy recommendations to the RBI Operations Manager and ultimately the Management Committee.

Sub-committees will provide a monthly report to the Operations Manager as part of Manager's report to the Management Committee.


The following formal sub-committees are envisaged :-


(1) Fixtures

Essentially operating now but needs to be formalised. Chaired by Competitions Manager.  Clubs decide their delegates to sub-committee.


(2) Junior Rep

Chaired by Development Manager - Responsible for efficient operation of rep program including items such as coordination, uniforms etc.

A separate small group would make the recommendations for appointment of rep coaches and managers.


(3) NBL1

Chaired by RBI Operations Manager - Responsible for the business management and operation of the program including sponsorship and gamenights.


(4) Facility 

Chaired by RBI Operations Manager  - Responsible for putting a maintenance program in place.


(5) Finance & Risk

Chaired by Treasurer - Responsible for reviewing RBI's financial performance plus financial planning.  Reporting of risk management will also fall under this committee's responsibility


It is then envisaged RBI would conduct a full Strategic Planning process next year that will be open to all members but is expected that each sub-committee would be highly involved.




Jordana Brady

Cassie Bichel

Elle Price

Steve Richards

Kath Price

1 則留言

Caleb Paterson
Caleb Paterson

No sub-committee for referees?

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